Types of Refuse

Construction And Demolition Debris
Construction And Demolition Debris

The Waste Management Plan and Waste Log required as part of the County of Fresno's Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Recycling Program are designed to assist County compliance with this State mandate, and to provide builders with a means of documenting the waste reduction requirements included in the California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen).

image: leegov.com
Electrical Waste (E-Waste)
Electrical Waste (E-Waste)

Recycling of e-waste is a growing trend and was initiated to protect human and environmental health mainly due to the widespread environmental pollution impacts of e-waste. According to Wikipedia, “Electronic waste or e-waste describes discarded electrical or electronic devices.

Green Waste
Green Waste

Green waste also called agricultural waste is supposed to be biodegradable waste that can be composed of garden or park waste, such as grass or flower cuttings and hedge trimmings, as well as domestic and commercial food waste.

image: alamy.com
Hazardous Type:
Hazardous Type:

Types of Hazardous Waste. As we now know, there are many different types of hazardous waste. Although the list is long, there are two types of hazardous waste that have been in the spotlight for years, dioxins and PCBs. Dioxins are a group of toxic chemical that are formed during the combustion process.

source: study.com
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Waste

EPA developed the hazardous waste recycling regulations to promote the reuse and reclamation of useful materials in a manner that is safe and protective of human health and the environment. A hazardous waste is recycled if it is used, reused, or reclaimed.

source: epa.gov
Ignitability, or Something Flammable
Ignitability, or Something Flammable

While solid waste encompasses almost any refuse or debris, ... ignitability, or something flammable; corrosivity, or something that can rust or decompose;

Liquid Or Solid Household Waste
Liquid Or Solid Household Waste

EPA excludes certain solid wastes from the definition of hazardous waste. If a material meets an exclusion from the definition of hazardous waste, it is not regulated as a hazardous waste, even if the material technically meets a listing or exhibits a characteristic that would normally meet this definition.

source: epa.gov
image: mwatoday.com
Liquid Type
Liquid Type

The types of waste we produce are liquid and solid waste. Other kinds of waste are hazardous or harmful waste, organic waste and recyclable waste. Find out more kinds of waste here

Medical/Clinical Waste
Medical/Clinical Waste

The 1988 Medical Waste Tracking Act defines is as waste generated during medical research, testing, diagnosis, immunization, or treatment of either human beings or animals. Some examples are culture dishes, glassware, bandages, gloves, discarded sharps like needles or scalpels, swabs, and tissue.

Organic Type:
Organic Type:

Types of waste Generally, waste could be liquid or solid waste. Both of them could be hazardous. Liquid and solid waste types can also be grouped into organic, re-usable and recyclable waste. Let us see some details below: Liquid type: Waste can come in non-solid form. Some solid waste can also be converted to a liquid waste form for disposal.

Organic Waste
Organic Waste

Organic waste like leftover food and yard waste shouldn’t be sent to a landfill. Learn more about “recycling” organic waste. Learn more about how to make your Lifestyle sustainable with Recyclebank. Earn Recyclebank points by recycling and taking green actions and use points for rewards, and towards sustainable green products in One Twine.

Reactivity, or Something Explosive
Reactivity, or Something Explosive

METHODS OF EVALUATING EXPLOSIVE REACTIVITY OF EXPLOSIVE-CONTAMINATED SOLID WASTE SUBSTANCES By T. S. Bajpayee1 and Richard J. Mainiero2 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines has developed test procedures and criteria for evaluating explosive reactivity

image: roblox.com
Recyclable Rubbish
Recyclable Rubbish

Waste Management is committed to providing environmentally responsible solutions for handling electronics waste. Waste Management is committed to: preventing e-waste from entering municipal incinerators or landfills; preventing the export of e-waste to developing countries; providing visible tracking of e-waste throughout the product recycling chain.

source: wm.com
Recyclable Type:
Recyclable Type:

Recycled magazines are used to make newspaper, tissues, writing paper and paperboard. Recycling just one ton of paper saves enough energy to power the average American home for six months, so don't be afraid to recycle your old magazines. It's the right thing to do. A Common Misconception. Some consumers think glossy paper can't be recycled.

source: wm.com
Recyclable Waste
Recyclable Waste

Recycling is processing used materials (waste) into new, useful products. This is done to reduce the use of raw materials that would have been used. Recycling also uses less energy and and great way of controlling air, water and land pollution.

image: rivanna.org
Solid Rubbish
Solid Rubbish

Solid waste means any garbage, refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded materials including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material, resulting from industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural operations, and from community activities.

source: dec.ny.gov
Solid Type
Solid Type

In a storage discharge type of station, refuse is first emptied into a storage pit or onto a platform, and then machinery is used to hoist or push the solid waste into the transport vehicle. Large transfer stations can handle more than 500 tons of refuse per day.

image: jdsupra.com
Toxicity, or Something Poisonous
Toxicity, or Something Poisonous

Poisonous ‘“ effects come from the ingestion or absorption of something harmful into your system. Cyanide and arsenic are commonly used poisons in the world of detective literature. Prolonged inhalation of poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide also constitutes as a poisonous substance.