Foundational SAEs (formerly Exploratory SAEs) require time invested in a learning experience. You will learn through exploring new skills or experiences.
Ownership/Entrepreneurship Students with an ownership/entrepreneurship type SAE own the enterprise, equipment and supplies, make the management decisions and assume the financial risks to produce a product or provide a service.
Placement/Internship programs involve the placement of students in agriculture, food or natural resources-related businesses to provide a "learning by doing" environment. These experiences may be paid or un-paid.
Research SAEs require time invested (and money, if applicable) in a project that attempts to answer a research question or test a hypothesis. Your project centers on following the scientific method and developing a final report of findings and recommendations.
A school-based enterprise (SBE) is an entrepreneurial operation in a school setting that provides goods/services to meet the needs of the market. SBEs are managed and operated by students as hands-on learning laboratories that integrate National Curriculum Standards in marketing, finance, hospitality or management.
The SAE is a required component of a total agricultural education program and intended for every student. Through their involvement in the SAE program, students are able to consider multiple careers and occupations, learn expected workplace behavior, develop specific skills within an industry, and are given opportunities to apply academic and occupational skills in the workplace or a simulated workplace environment.