Types of Servers

Apache HTTP Server
Apache HTTP Server

What is Apache? What is a Web server? How WordPress uses Apache to serve web pages? Explained with analogies. What is a Web server? How WordPress uses Apache to serve web pages? Explained with analogies.

image: unixmen.com
Email Server
Email Server

e-mail address email - electronic mail Often referred to as simply "mail server", an e-mail server is a computer within your network that works as your virtual post office.

source: webopedia.com
FTP Server
FTP Server

FTP is short for File Transfer Protocol. A protocol is a set of rules that networked computers use to talk to one another. And FTP is the language that computers on a TCP/IP network (such as the internet) use to transfer files to and from each other.

source: wired.com
Internet Information Services
Internet Information Services

Internet Information Services (IIS) is a flexible, general-purpose web server from Microsoft that runs on Windows systems to serve requested HTML pages or files.

image: youtube.com
Jigsaw Server
Jigsaw Server

W3C's Java Server. Jigsaw is W3C's leading-edge Web server platform, providing a sample HTTP 1.1 implementation and a variety of other features on top of an advanced architecture implemented in Java. The W3C Jigsaw Activity statement explains the motivation and future plans in more detail. Jigsaw is an W3C Open Source Project, started May 1996.

source: w3.org

Lighttpd also supports WebDNA, the resilient in-memory database system designed to build database-driven websites. It is a popular web server for the Catalyst and Ruby on Rails web frameworks. Lighttpd does not support ISAPI.

Mailing List Server
Mailing List Server

A list server (mailing list server) is a program that handles subscription requests for a mailing list and distributes new messages, newsletters, or other postings from the list's members to the entire list of subscribers as they occur or are scheduled.

Proxy Server
Proxy Server

A proxy server is a dedicated computer or a software system running on a computer that acts as an intermediary between an endpoint device, such as a computer, and another server from which a user or client is requesting a service.

Proxy Trojan
Proxy Trojan

A proxy Trojan, as the name suggests, is a kind of Trojan malware which creates proxy servers out of infected computers for staging anonymous attacks. Like all Trojans, the proxy is spread disguised as legitimate software downloads and attachments or piggy-backing on legitimate downloads and attachments.


In the client/server programming model, a server program awaits and fulfills requests from client programs, which may be running in the same or other computers. A given application in a computer may function as a client with requests for services from other programs and also as a server of requests from other programs.

image: nxt.ro
Server Appliance
Server Appliance

Appliances versus Traditional Servers: Pros and Cons Previous. Next PDF This document is intended to help organizations decide whether an appliance or a traditional server is an appropriate platform for hosting enterprise software applications.

SIP Proxy
SIP Proxy

The SIP proxy server is configured to have multiple phones ring simultaneously, or sequentially, and for how long before going to another destination, such as another extension or a voice mail box. The SIP proxy server also handles security.

source: getvoip.com
image: 9888886.ru
Sun Java System Web Server
Sun Java System Web Server

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 supports Sun™ Java System Studio 5, Standard Edition. Sun Java System Studio technology is Sun’s powerful, extensible, integrated development environment (IDE) for Java technology developers.