Top Ten Fears

Trypophobia – The Fear of Holes
Trypophobia – The Fear of Holes

The fear of holes, or trypophobia, is an irrational and persistent fear of holes, generally not the huge ones but the tiny holes seen within asymmetrical clusters. It is a rather unusual, albeit, a common type of phobia, wherein sufferers report having an adverse reaction to images of holes or objects with holes.

source: fearof.net
image: fearof.net
Aerophobia – The Fear of Flying
Aerophobia – The Fear of Flying

Aerophobia, also known as Aviophobia, is the fear of flying either in helicopters, airplanes and other flying vehicles. In some patients, Aerophobia may be present along with other fears or phobias like Claustrophobia (fear of closed and confined spaces) or Acrophobia (fear of heights) etc. Nearly 25% of air travelers are known to suffer from this phobia.

source: fearof.net
Mysophobia – The Fear of Germs
Mysophobia – The Fear of Germs

Fear of Germs Phobia – Mysophobia Myso is the Greek word for germs and Phobos means fear. Thus, Mysophobia is the excessive and often irrational fear of microbes or getting contaminated with germs.

source: fearof.net
image: fearof.net
Claustrophobia – The Fear of Small Spaces
Claustrophobia – The Fear of Small Spaces

Claustrophobia is a type of situational phobia (fear of certain situations) where an individual experiences great fear of small or enclosed spaces. A person suffering from Claustrophobia might be afraid of going in elevators. Many claustrophobic individuals are also known to fear being inside tunnels, caves, mines, or airplanes. They typically report seeing images of being trapped or unable to escape from such places and are known to go to great lengths to avoid them.

source: fearof.net
Astraphobia – The Fear of Thunder and Lightning
Astraphobia – The Fear of Thunder and Lightning

Diagnosis and treatment for fear of thunder/lightning phobia Diagnosing Astraphobia requires psychiatric evaluation along with written tests. These tests generally require the sufferer to write down answers to a series of questions related to his/her fears which help the expert reach a conclusion about the phobia.

source: fearof.net
image: fearof.net
Cynophobia – The Fear of Dogs
Cynophobia – The Fear of Dogs

Fear of Dogs Phobia – Cynophobia As far as Zoophobia (fear of animals) is concerned, the fear of dogs or Cynophobia is not as common as the fear of snakes or spiders. However, it is important to note that people who fear dogs are also highly likely to encounter them in their day to day lives.

source: fearof.net
Agoraphobia – The Fear of Open or Crowded Spaces
Agoraphobia – The Fear of Open or Crowded Spaces

Causes of Agoraphobia or the fear of open/crowded spaces There is no single cause for the fear of open or crowded spaces. Researchers believe that a number of physical and psychological factors may be responsible for this phobia.

source: fearof.net
Acrophobia: Fear of Heights
Acrophobia: Fear of Heights

What is Acrophobia or the fear of heights? Fear of heights or Acrophobia is a debilitating anxiety disorder that affects nearly 1 in every 20 adults. The word is derived from the Greek word “Acron” meaning heights and “phobos” meaning fear.

source: fearof.net
Social Phobias
Social Phobias

Social anxiety disorder is often confused with shyness. Here’s how to tell the difference between everyday nervousness and one of the most common mental disorders. Here’s how to tell the difference between everyday nervousness and one of the most common mental disorders.

source: webmd.com
image: fanpop.com
Agoraphobia: Fear of Open Spaces
Agoraphobia: Fear of Open Spaces

Closed-in spaces (stores, movie theaters) Crowds or standing in line; Being outside your home alone; You may be willing to go just a handful of places. This cuts down on the chances of panic. You may even dread leaving your house. But the good news is there are treatments that can help you relax. Causes. Doctors aren't sure what causes agoraphobia.

source: webmd.com
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of Flying
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of Flying

What is Pteromerhanophobia? Pteromerhanophobia is the fear of flying. Pteromerhanophobia is considered to be a specific phobia, which is discussed on the home page. Pteromerhanophobia is also known as Aviophobia or Aviatophobia.

Claustrophobia: Fear of Enclosed Spaces
Claustrophobia: Fear of Enclosed Spaces

Claustrophobia is the fear of being enclosed in a small space or room and having no escape. It can be triggered by many situations or stimuli, including elevators crowded to capacity, windowless rooms, small cars and even tight-necked clothing.

image: pxleyes.com
Entomophobia: Fear of Insects
Entomophobia: Fear of Insects

Fear of Bugs and Insects Phobia – Entomophobia or Acarophobia The fear of bugs or fear of insects is known as Entomophobia or Acarophobia . The word Entomophobia comes from Greek entomos meaning insects and phobos which means deep dread or fear.

source: fearof.net
Ophidiophobia: Fear of Snakes
Ophidiophobia: Fear of Snakes

The fear of snakes or Ophidiophobia is the second most common phobia in the world. Nearly 1/3 rd of adult humans are believed to have an intense fear of snakes. Most people with Ophidiophobia can lead normal lives as they do not have to confront the object of their fears under normal circumstances.

source: fearof.net
Cynophobia: Fear of Dogs
Cynophobia: Fear of Dogs

Diagnosis and treatment of Cynophobia. Many people are afraid of dogs; hence diagnosis of Cynophobia includes determining if the fear is persistent or triggers an immediate anxiety response. To be categorized as Cynophobia, one’s fear of dogs would also be required to interfere with social, familial or occupational activities.

source: fearof.net
3) Somniphobia- Fear of Falling Asleep
3) Somniphobia- Fear of Falling Asleep

Thus, Somniphobia is the fear of sleeping or falling asleep. It is also called ‘Hypnophobia’, the fear of being hypnotized, a condition where the person is literally made to go in a sleep-like state.

source: fearof.net
4) Coulrophobia – Fear of Clowns
4) Coulrophobia – Fear of Clowns

The fear of clowns is treated in the same way as other phobias are: gradually coming in contact with the object of one’s fear so that one has a more controlled response to that object, in this case- clowns.

source: fearof.net
5) Hylophobia- Fear of Trees
5) Hylophobia- Fear of Trees

Hylophobia is defined by an irrational fear of wood, forests or trees. Specific trees may afflict a person negatively and evoke strong and relentless anxiety. Hylophobia is considered a specific phobia, and it is also related to or referred to as dendrophobia (fear of forests, wood or trees) and xylophobia (fear of wooden objects and/or forests).

6) Omphalophobia- Fear of the Navel
6) Omphalophobia- Fear of the Navel

Omphalophobia is a specific phobia which gives rise to a variety of physical and mental symptoms particularly when the phobic (or someone else) accidentally touches his/her belly button, or even by watching someone else touch their own belly.

source: fearof.net
image: usatoday.com
7) Nomophobia- Fear of Being Without Mobile Phone Coverage
7) Nomophobia- Fear of Being Without Mobile Phone Coverage

Fear of Being Without a Mobile Phone Phobia – Nomophobia. ... phobia or fear of being without a mobile phone or without a ... I am doing a report on fears. I got ...

source: fearof.net
8) Ombrophobia- Fear of Rain
8) Ombrophobia- Fear of Rain

Fear of Rain Phobia – Ombrophobia Ombrophobia or Pluviophobia is the fear of rain- a fairly common anxiety disorder seen in kids and adults alike. The term Ombrophobia originates from Greek ‘Ombros’ meaning “storm of rain” and phobos meaning “fear or aversion”.

source: fearof.net

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